BloggerCon II Weblog - Celebrating the art and science of weblogs, April 17 at Harvard Law School.

Permanent link to archive for 8/18/03. Monday, August 18, 2003

My questions for Presidential candidates.

First, a disclaimer.These are just my questions. They don't reflect anyone else's interests. I wanted to post them here where they might stimulate a discussion, and (even better) encourage people to post their own lists. I don't mind asking questions for other people.

So here are my questions.

1. Should the United States have a health care system like the ones in European countries and Canada?

2. What's your position on the death penalty?

3. Abortion?

4. Did Bush lie about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq? Does it matter? Was the war in Iraq a good idea?

6. If you were President, would you have settled with Microsoft for antitrust?

7. Why is it illegal to use or possess marijuana?

8. How do you feel about music on the Internet? What, if anything, should the President do about it? Congress?

9. Do you have an email address? Do you read your own email? What should we do about spam?

10. If you have a weblog, do you write all the material yourself? If not, is this clearly explained on the site? How easy is it to find the disclaimer?

11. How do you plan to get us out of this Steinbeckian-Grapes-Of-Wrath economy? From Halley.

12. What do you think about school vouchers? How can public education in the U.S. best be improved? From Ole Eichhorn.

# Posted by Dave Winer on 8/18/03; 3:32:18 AM - --